How Much To Drink -
You put in what did you drink and its tells you percentage alcohol in Blood
Home Page- Birthday Time & Horoscop Signs - Gives you Detail information about your birthdays and more
Health Calculator - Chart, Body Mass Index, Ideal Body Weight, Body Surface Area
- Download Time -
Calculates download time with different modem speed.
System Information -
Gives you some information about your system....
Periodic Table -
Chemical symbols....
For Fun
Brain Test - Right vs Left side of the Brain
Love/Like Test -
This will calculate like/love between you and someone you know or not.
- Attitude Button -
Button with attitude problems
Billionaire Calculator -
Calculates how much you can Save per year
Pythagoras theorem -
calculates one unknown out of three in right triangle
Circle Calculator -
Calculates area, circumference, radius, diameter of the circle
Oms Law and Power -
calculates resistance from current and voltage or vice versa and power
Resistors 4 Color Code and
5 Color Code -
calculates resistance from colors on resistors
Capacitors Color Code -
calculates resistance from colors on resistors
8x8 Matrix LED display characters / graphics builder
- Builds characters / graphics in hex and binary
Binary to Hex and back Converter
- Converts hex to binary and back